Style-Us Stylus
Wireless Stylus for 3D Drawing on the Body
The Style-Us Stylus is a wireless handheld device for 3D drawing on the body. It combines a capacitive sensing circuit with an OptiTrack motion capture system so you can sketch directly on the body when the tip comes in contact with the skin. The resulting sketches are exported from our software as ready-to-print 3D files.
The Style-Us Stylus uses 3D tracking and capacitive sensing to 3D trace the body for ready-to-print designs.
Tracing the world
In addition to skin-based drawing, the Style-Us Stylus has a button for freeform 3D drawing on surfaces and in mid-air. Press the button, trace a physical object, and you instantly have a low-res 3D scan of an object, like this shoe:
Freeform 3D Sketching
You can also press the freeform sketching button to 3D draw in mid-air. We found it difficult to accurately sketch mid-air without any physical or visual references. However, we had more control over the design when we anchored our sketch motions to the kinematics of the body, like with this bowl:
We also explored the process of furniture design, inspired by the Sketch Furniture (2005) line by Front Design:
The Sketch Chair Project (2005) by Front Design.
Hardware Design
The hardware design for the Style-Us Stylus was made in collaboration with Epic Jefferson — learn how to make your own on from his Instructables page.
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Project Credits
Internal R&D (2016).
Software Design & Integration: Madeline Gannon
Hardware Design: Epic Jefferson