ATONATON is a research studio inventing better ways to communicate with machines. 

We are Robot Whisperers

In an era of intelligent, autonomous machines, we need to convincenot commandrobots to listen. These projects create a more direct connection between humans and machines:

Advanced robotic simulation and control

Group behaviors for robot teams

Attention modeling for robots and crowds

Motion capture for human-robot interaction

We make our tools

We build custom software and hardware to do things that have never been done before. These are a few of the systems we’ve built to bring our projects to life:

Body tracking and interaction design

Novel spatial computing interfaces

Generative computational design tools

Custom gestural tracking tools

We are Curious

Playful, determined curiosity is the root of our creative innovation. These are some of our further-reaching experiments and creative inquiries:

New models of human-robot companionship

Next generation animatronics and robotic puppeteering

Robotically augmented sports

We’ve been around

See our archive of work, press, publications, and read about us for the full deep dive.

Featured Works

Mimus is now a permanent robot-in-residence in Europe’s largest science museum — the Copernicus Science Centre in Warsaw, Poland. You can visit her in the Future is Today exhibition.

Other Natures presents industrial robots that behave more like a troupe of trained circus animals than automation infrastructure. It explores how primal connections between humans and machines can be captured, codified, and rendered as alternative forms intelligence.  

Two Circles is a giant robotic googly eye that follows you around a room. This immersive experience plays with our mind's natural tendency to project life and consciousness onto non-living things: our brains automatically transform simple compositions — like a 1-meter black circle on top a 2-meter white circle — into quirky, otherworldly creatures as soon as they start to move.

Get in Touch

You can contact us through here or via email at

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